2020 to 2023 Mull Activity Reviews from Back Brae Lodge Guests
“Places to eat:
Galleon Bistro and Western Isles Hotel. Things to do: Tobermory Distillery tour and Staffa boat trip to Fingal's Cave.”
“We both had a fabulous time in Tobermory
walking, going to the pub and relaxing. ”
“Tobermory is a great spot to explore the North and Central areas of Mull,
but I do recommend the bus for the trip to Iona via Fionnphort. Will miss my daily dose of Isle of Mull ice cream.”
“We’d lovely meals at the Galleon and Mishdish.
We travelled without a car and found plenty to do in Tobermory. A boat trip with Staffa Tours to see puffins was a highlight.”
“We spent two good weeks in Mull
including one in Tobermory. Very beautiful landscapes and the opportunity to see a lot of animals, although we are still looking for the otter!”
“Managed to do a trip to Staffa and Treshnish with Staffa Tours.
Took a day to go and visit Iona. Walked to Langamull beach, absolutely stunning. Even did a swim there. The restaurants here are all pretty good. Favourite was CafĂ© Fish. You definitely should book in advance for all because they are very busy.”
“Tobermory is so delightful and safe,
we could go for walks at 11pm and it was only dusk with just a few people about. Visiting the distillery was very educational and expensive. The highlight of our visit was when we went on an excursion to the Ardalanish peninsula with Nature Scotland and saw the two Orcas - John Coe and Aquarius - off Coll (with binoculars), who are sadly the last of their subspecies. The weather was very kind to us, wearing shorts most of the time!”
“Cafe Fish and the Fish and Chips on the pier
were as good as we remembered!”
“First time staying on Mull
and will definitely be back. We had a lovely day on Iona.”
“We catered for ourselves on one night,
went to a local restaurant on another and got a takeaway on the third.”

“A great long weekend.
Some walking, cycling, great food.”
“We managed to visit Iona,
which we'd been hoping to fit in for a while now. We've had amazing weather for the tail end of August.”
“We have had a wonderful time
and enjoyed Mull at a different time of year... so much so, we hardly used the car as we found so many new things to do, in and around Tobermory.”
“A perfect base for exploring Mull.
Some new walks this time and I finally made it to the top of Ben More. I think we were very fortunate with timing as we had both the reopening of the pubs and restaurants and pretty decent weather.”
“We have thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Tobermory and Mull.
Thanks for the info on Staffa. We took the trip on Sunday instead of Monday because of the weather. It was fantastic. Staffa exceeded expectations and we saw puffins and dolphins.”
“We’re delighted to be back!
Contrary to the forecast we have had amazing sunshine although cold wind from the North East. Great bike rides, tried and failed to get in the sea but have taken advantage of the spring tides and have just eaten dulse fried up... A couple of sea eagles today over at Glengorm.”
“Saw lots of great birds
including 13(!) white-tailed eagles.”
“I went to the wee gallery next to the Mishnish,
some nice work.”
Back Brae Lodge was closed for much of 2020 and the first part of 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.
Read more reviews from 2018-19.
This information was last checked on .